by chian | Feb 28, 2017 | Parent Zone, Uncategorized
If you’ve identified that you have a problem with drug or alcohol abuse, made a decision to do something about it, and made a solid, specific plan of recovery, congratulations – you’ve put yourself on the path. Honestly, both to others and to yourself, is...
by chian | Oct 13, 2015 | Parent Zone, Press Release
Big increase in deaths, poisonings from synthetic marijuana Synthetic marijuana is back in the news, with some frightening revelations. New figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show synthetic marijuana killed 15 people in the first half of 2015...
by chian | Jun 11, 2015 | Parent Zone
Use of illicit drugs, including marijuana, has been rising steadily among college-aged young adults. In addition, non-medical use of stimulants, including Adderall and Ritalin, has more than doubled in the past few years. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)...
by chian | May 14, 2015 | Drug and Alcohol Testing Louisiana, Drug and Alcohol Testing Texarkana AR, Drug and Alcohol Testing Texarkana TX, Drug and Alcohol Testing Texas, Drug Testing Louisiana, Drug Testing Texarkana AR, Drug Testing Texarkana TX, Drug Testing Texas, Employment Drug Testing Louisiana, Employment Drug Testing Texarkana TX, Employment Drug Testing Texas, Parent Zone, School Drug Testing Louisiana, School Drug Testing Texas
There were 11,406 emergency room visits associated with synthetic marijuana in 2010—75 percent were among the ages of 12-29. Synthetic marijuana currently holds second place in teenage popularity behind marijuana. Researchers claim the allure is the ill-perceived...
by chian | Sep 26, 2014 | Parent Zone, Press Release
It is always important to talk to your kids about important issues. HAVE YOU SPOKE TO YOUR KIDS ABOUT UNDERAGE DRINKING? GO TO WWW.SAMHSA.GOV FOR MORE INFORMATION SAMHSA’s underage drinking prevention campaign helps parents and caregivers start talking to...
by chian | Aug 1, 2014 | Parent Zone
What are its short term effects? Short term effects include loss of control, lack of pain response, increased agitation, pale skin, seizures, vomiting, profuse sweating, uncontrolled / spastic body movements, elevated blood pressure, heart rate and...