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K-2 Crackdown

An industry leader in U.S. for DOT compliance services, DOT regulated testing, personal drug and alcohol testing, background checks, court ordered tests, and DNA Testing In Texas. Lots of changes have happened locally with the designer drug, K-2. Law enforcement is...

DATCS Interviews a Recovering Meth Addict

Could you describe the circumstances that led you to trying meth in the 1st place? I was in the middle of a divorce, and I was up for anything…different.  My husband had left me, I was 19 years old and I was devastated.  I was living in my house by myself so I started...

“Pump It Powder” The new bath salts

Pump It Powder is a new drug that is getting negative attention among drug treatment, law enforcement, and school personnel. The designer drug, reported to be similar to amphetamines, has been seen as a replacement for the drugs known as Dragonfly, Glass Cleaner,...