Know Who You’re Hiring With A Criminal Background Check Wichita Falls TX

Jun 8, 2014

It’s an unsettling trend, but one that employers can’t ignore. The number of young adults in America who get arrested has grown over the years, with ABC News reporting the numbers to be around 41 percent by age 23. Those aren’t traffic violations, either. They could be anything from disturbing the peace to a violent crime. Because these are the people who are or will at some time be seeking employment, businesses and hiring managers need to consider a criminal background check Wichita Falls TX for each and every applicant who brings in a resume.

The fact that the numbers cover a wide range of crimes shouldn’t detract from the seriousness of finding out whom you are hiring. The Huffington Post clarifies that the majority of arrests in 2011 were drug-related, and not necessarily violent. Knowing the background of prospective employees often includes a drug test alongside a criminal background check Wichita Falls TX, but it’s a test you’ll want to make sure is administered if the background check reveals a drug crime arrest.

Taking control of the hiring process through background checks and drug screenings is essential for the safety and continued success of your business. As a business owner or hiring manager, you have the right to be included in reference checks you request. BusinessWeek advises that you find out how a firm processes its screenings, and that you play an active part in choosing what type of information is gathered. Every business is different, so a screening firm that offers only one-size-fits-all background checks isn’t likely to find the specific information on prospective employees that you may be concerned about. Firms that provide a variety of services and screenings should allow you to take an active part in customizing the background checks they do for you to ensure you get a comprehensive picture of the people you’re considering hiring.

For the most thorough criminal background check Wichita Falls TX employers can get, contact Drug and Alcohol Testing Compliance Services. DATCS has been assisting companies from all over the US for over 20 years and encourages clients’ input so they can customize screening packages to individual business’s needs. From background checks to drug testing to Department of Transportation compliance, the professionals at DATCS have extensive experience protecting businesses by providing vital information and valuable services including supervisor trainings that meet DOT guidelines. Call today at 903-247-9546 or toll-free at 888-201-0242 to find out how DATCS can enhance your hiring practices and help protect your business.


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