Criminal Background Check Bossier City LA: Why Your Company Should Consider a Pre-Employment Test

Mar 21, 2014

Have you recently begun thinking that a background criminal background check Bossier City LA for each of the applicants at your company may be a good idea? Sometimes having this done does not even cross the mind of an employer until he or she has to deal with a less-than-honest employee. However, as soon as a problem does occur, the employer quickly realizes just how vital these checks can be. If you are in charge of the hiring process at your company, there is no reason to simply take what is written on an applicant’s resume as fact. In many cases, the embellishments or omissions may be detrimental to your business’s success, should a dishonest employee choose to wreak havoc for your company.

Again, things may not always be how they seem. For example, did you know that 2 million employees in America are victims of workplace violence each year? Or that up to 30 percent of business failures are due to employees who choose to steal from the very companies they work for? The fact is that your business depends on good, reliable employees who are full of integrity. When your company is comprised of reliable, decent individuals, they are more likely to work together in trust and kindness. They are able to overcome challenges and will work to keep one another safe. Of course, this saves your employees from painful situations, and it saves you as the employer as well. If you hire individuals with a criminal past, you may be liable should workplace issues such as harassment be reported among employees.

Honest employees will also work diligently to contribute to the “health” of the company. They will put in hard work for the time they are on the payclock, rather than finding ways to cheat you out of the wages you pay. Of course, these good employees will also be no problem when it comes to workplace theft. No employer wants to worry about getting money “skimmed off the top” or used for unnecessary or personal expenses.

An applicant’s criminal background check Bossier City LA for your business is also important for your customers and their protection. This is especially important if your company is heavily involved in customer service. Each of your employees need to be fully capable of treating your customers with the respect and safety they deserve. You need to be assured that they will never harm or mistreat one of your valued customers. Again, you could be held liable if a problem arises.

Of course, it is important to mention that just because someone has a criminal past does not necessarily mean you should never hire them. This is not always the case. But it does mean that you should be fully aware of the circumstances before any jobs are offered. This is especially important if the applicant is found as having hidden information on the resume or during the interview. Simply put, you need to know each individual well before he or she begins to represent your company.

For more information, or if you would like to order a background criminal background check Bossier City LA, give our experts a call today at 888-201-0242 or visit us online at

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