Verifying An Applicant’s Credentials Through a Background Check TX

Jan 23, 2014

Hiring new employees for your company is often anything but simple. There are stacks of resumes to read, appointments to set up, and applicants to interview. Then comes the difficult decision of what applicants to hire. You may see several individuals who seem to have strong educational backgrounds. Or perhaps they have several years of work experience behind them. These often make the best potential employees. However, you may ask yourself if these applicants are really as hire-ready for your company as they seem to be. Getting a background check TX is the answer.

Many employers think a background check is simply meant to check for criminal activity in the past. But this is only one type of check. Perhaps you are concerned with your applicants’ credentials and if they are, in fact, valid. If this is the case, you can get a verifications check.

What exactly is a verifications check? This is a type of background check TX that focuses on professional and educational experience. This is verified by the Drug and Alcohol Testing Compliance Services and checks for a number of things.

First, educational accomplishments are confirmed. Any certifications and degrees will be shown, as well as general enrollment in universities or similar schools. Next, you will be able to see any previous employment by the individual, including the locations and positions of each. Third, military service is also listed on the check. This includes the date of enrollment.

But this is not all a verifications test provides. You can also get a confirmation on any references the applicant provides. In addition, you can receive proof of professional licensing of the individual and when that license will expire. This is often information employers are looking for, which can help you make the best hiring decisions possible. Knowing that your employees are who they say they are helps build trust in your working relationship from the start. It boosts your confidence in them, knowing they are ready for the job requirements in your workplace.

If you have never had a background check done on a potential employee before, you may have concerns about whether or not that individual will learn of the check. However, you need not worry. These checks are completely confidential.

If you would like to get a verifications background check TX for applicants in your workplace, give our knowledgeable staff a call at 888-201-0242. We want to help you find the best employee matches for your company.

Photo Credit: © J i r s a k