The Specifics of DNA Testing in Texas

Oct 23, 2013

The phrase “DNA testing” has several immediate implications, but the main idea is always the same: irrefutable scientific proof of a person’s presence. Whether we are talking about a person’s presence at the scene of a crime or at the moment of conception is just a matter of what is done with the DNA in question after it has been identified. After two decades of expansive use, DNA testing in Texas has become a staple in many criminal investigations and has helped countless people learn more about themselves and their past.

What is DNA Testing For?

Typical reasons for DNA testing in Texas involve parentage as often as not. Paternity and maternity tests have been very useful in helping determine whether or not a child has the biological parents they think they have. This has been especially useful for people whose questionable parentage can have serious impacts on their immigration status. Through DNA testing, many people have been able to prove that they are U.S. citizens through birth. One of the more popular reasons for DNA testing today is to determine a person’s national heritage by comparing their DNA with samples from many different nations.

How is DNA Testing Done?

Most often DNA testing is done through DNA comparisons. This means that several samples of DNA must be collected from all of the parties in question, and then have their DNA information compared to draw reasonable conclusions. The usual samples that each persons needs to submit are a swab from the inside of the cheek and mouth, a collection of hairs with the follicles attached, and/or a few fingernails. The personal DNA information found through these avenues are then extracted by professionals and recorded and compared.

Variables in DNA Testing

Since DNA testing in Texas is usually done through comparisons, some people may find themselves in a difficult position if the sample they need is unavailable. For example, a person wishing to get a final say on their paternity will be discouraged to learn that they need a DNA sample from the father in question if that father is deceased or unknown. Luckily, there are ways around this, as grandparents or other relatives, such as uncles, are also valid candidates to prove a relationship. However, if these relations are other potential parents, then the tests may be inconclusive on the exact parent, though general relation will be confirmed.

Contact us at Drug & Alcohol Testing Compliance Services for more information or questions you may have about DNA testing in Texas.