DNA Testing Services | DNA Experts in Paternity Testing | What is DNA Paternity Testing?

May 15, 2012

What is DNA Paternity Testing?
We all have a unique DNA pattern that is inherited from our biological parents and is similar to theirs in molecular structure and genetic code. Because of this similarity, the DNA can be used to test and conclusively determine biological kinship.

When the testing is done to determine who the father is, it is known as DNA Paternity Testing. It is about 99.99% conclusive. It is usually not necessary to do maternity testing.

DNA Paternity Testing is now widely used for scientific purposes, to determine paternity concerns, or to settle legal disputes.

What does DNA Paternity Testing involve?
Usually, DNA from the alleged parents and the child are required for the DNA Paternity Testing. Having access to the maternal DNA makes the testing easier, as, with this part conclusively settled, you only need to check the other half of the child’s DNA with that of the father. If the DNA sequence shows a strong similarity, then the Paternity is proved. If there is no similarity, then the person is not the father.

DNA Paternity Testing done without analyzing the mother’s DNA is called ‘Motherless’ DNA Testing. This involves a bit more of lab work, but the results are just as conclusive.

In case the father is missing, a DNA viability test can help determine the paternity. The DNA Viability Test involves testing material like preserved samples of hair or other body tissues.

What are the methods used in DNA Paternity Testing?
There are two methods more commonly used in DNA Paternity Testing the Polymer Chain Reaction Method (PCR) and the Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP).

For DNA Paternity Testing, saliva samples from the buccal or cheek region are taken from the people to be tested and these are processed in the laboratory to extract theDNA of each.

The extracted DNA samples are analyzed and compared.

You can get the results of the DNA Paternity Testing over a period of 3 to 4 days. The results are delivered with a guarantee of confidentiality and accuracy.

There are also kits available to do DNA Paternity Testing in the privacy of your own home. (Non-Court Admissible)

How is DNA Paternity Testing done?
In the PCR method, DNA is extracted, fragmented, amplified and then separated by the process of gel electrophoresis. The sequence of the DNA fragments is then studied and compared.

In the RFLP method, the extracted DNA is fragmented by enzymes and the DNA fragments are sorted by size and then undergo identification.

Prenatal Paternity testing
DNA Paternity Testing can be done even to determine the paternity of an unborn child. This is called a Prenatal Paternity Test. In such a case, samples of the unborn baby’s DNA are obtained through either the Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS) procedure, in which placenta cells are collected, or the Amniocentesis Procedure, in which fetal cells from the amniotic fluid are collected. Both of these testing methods are not without a certain amount of risk as they are invasive procedures and should not be undertaken without the advice of an Obstetrician or Gynecologist. (We Don’t Recommend This Method)

It is alot safer and a lot less expensive to have the DNA Paternity Testing done right after the child is born. This can be done by taking a blood sample from the umbilical cord.

Legality of DNA Paternity Testing
Different countries around the world have different rules and regulations regarding DNA Paternity Testing. But in a majority of cases, it is not legal to conduct a DNA Paternity Test without the prior permission of the individuals concerned.

DNA Paternity Testing done for personal purposes at home using DNA Testing Kits cannot be used as evidence in a legal court. For legal purposes, a Chain of Custody documentation process that follows due legal procedures is required DATCS Offers Court Admissible and Non-Court Admissible DNA Tests. For More Information or to Contact us Click Here