How To Stop Smoking Cannabis in 7 Steps

Apr 25, 2012

Many people who smoke cannabis, otherwise known as marijuana or pot, become addicted to it without even realizing that they have an addiction. In fact, if a long time user of cannabis is asked if they are addicted, they will typically say that they are not, because they really don’t think they are. When they try to quit, however, it becomes obvious that they are addicted, and they need some steps to stop smoking cannabis.

What to Expect When You Stop Smoking Cannabis

Some people claim that there are no withdrawals when you try to stop smoking cannabis. It is important to realize that these people were never truly addicted to it – or they never really quit smoking cannabis. The withdrawal symptoms are very real, and are similar to the same withdrawal symptoms that you might experience if you were addicted to alcohol or tobacco and suddenly denied your body – and your mind – of the substance. Headaches, nausea, shaking, irritability, profuse sweating, and more can be expected.

Seven Steps to Stop Smoking Cannabis

1/ Plan your quit date. Having a date in mind is very important, because it enables you to mentally work up to the aspect of being without cannabis. Some people will plan a date three to four weeks away, and start gradually cutting down the amount that they smoke during this period, which is a good idea.

2/ Change your friends. If your friends smoke cannabis, you may need new friends. This doesn’t mean that your friends are bad people. It means that they are going to continue to smoke marijuana, and this will have an impact on you. Try to find friends who do not smoke marijuana, and limit your contact with those who do.

3/ Talk to Your Doctor. Your private doctor probably already knows that you are smoking weed. He or she will not report you to the authorities, but they will do all that is in their power to help you quit. They may even prescribe you medication that makes it easier, and if nothing else, they will be aware of what is going on in the even that you experience the type of withdrawal symptoms that require medical aid.

4/ Buy the right foods. Chocolate is great when you are trying to quit. Also have plenty of water, fresh fruit, hard candies, and gum on hand.

5/ Line up your support. You need someone that can help you through the worst of the withdrawal. Preferably, this person will come and stay with you – or you will go stay with them – for at least the first five days. They need to know what to expect, and what to do.

6/ Plan time off from work and other activities. If you have an addiction to cannabis, you cannot expect to work and continue with your normal activities during the worst of the withdrawal period. Try to plan your quit date for the start of a vacation.

7/ Quit. When your quit date arrives, simply quit. Make sure that you don’t have a stash in the house, and that you’ve cut yourself off from your connection. Tell yourself that within a few days, the addiction will be broken.

How long does it take to break the Cannabis Addiction?

The amount of time it takes to break the addiction to marijuana can vary from one person to the next, and will depend on several factors. The average time that breaking the addiction can take, according to experts, is from ten to twenty six days, but it could take longer. Factors that play a role include the amount of cannabis that is consumed on a regular basis, how long you’ve been smoking it, and how badly you really want to quit.