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Leading the industry since 1989


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Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

This federal program provides secure take-back locations for anyone to turn in their unused prescription medications, no strings attached.

On Saturday, April 29, thousands of locations around the country will collect staggering amounts of prescribed and over-the-counter drugs for safe disposal. Read more about how this initiative is helping to combat prescription drug misuse.

Cannabinol State Laws
Marijuana, specifically cannabinol (CBD), has gained popularity for its potential medicinal value. Today, sixteen states have low THC/high CBD laws. Employers should stay informed about how state marijuana laws differ and their impact on workplace drug testing. See our table for state-by-state laws.

Breaking the Cycle with Drug Courts
Drug courts provide participants a way to break the cycle of addiction, crime, and prison. Do they work? The National Association of Drug Court Professionals reports that 75 percent of graduates remain arrest-free for at least two years after completing the program.

See the eCCF Difference for Yourself
The most frequently asked question since launching electronic custody and control forms (eCCF) earlier this year is, how do they work? This informative, easy-to-understand video we look at the many benefits of this new technology.

Drug Test Collections When You Need Them
Emergency, 24/7 drug test collections can be necessary during unexpected circumstances. With a large nationwide network, around-the-clock access, and exceptional turnaround times,
we’re there when and where you need us.

I’m There: Roselyn Alviar
“Doing it right means treating each specimen as if it were my own.” As we continue the series of stories about how we bring our We’re There commitment to life through our team members. Click here to learn more about what we’re there when you need us means to Roselyn Alviar in our West Hills, California laboratory.  April 2017

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