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Owning or operating a business carries with it the possibility of a great number of unforeseen occurrences like weather-related delays in your shipping or software glitches that can keep you from processing orders.  But the last kind of surprise you want is finding out that one of your employees has a criminal record.  That’s why it’s so important to have a criminal background check in Shreveport LA done for all of your current and potential employees.

This may seem like a great deal of trouble to go through, especially if you have a lot of employees; but think about the possible consequences of not knowing who’s working for you.  Depending on the type of criminal activity your employee was involved in, you could be setting the stage for workplace violence that cannot only damage your company’s reputation but can also result in physical injury to you, other employees or customers.  If an employee’s criminal background involved theft of any kind, they may be tempted to steal from you.  A loss of cash or a loss of inventory by theft can do financial harm to your business – possibly even resulting in the loss of your business.

Unless your business is part of certain sensitive industries like public transportation, home health care, financial or education, you aren’t required to conduct a criminal background check in Shreveport LA on each of your employees and you may not want to spend the money to have checks done.  But the peace of mind you’ll get from knowing as much as you can legally know about your employees will be worth it especially since you could be sued by anyone harmed by the actions of one of your employees.  You could be sued by other employees, customers or other businesses who rely on you.

At DATCS, we can conduct criminal background checks for you that include checking more than 400 million records covering counties, state departments of correction, state administrative offices of the court, sex offender registries, driving records, civil records, the FBI’s most-wanted list, Interpol’s fugitives list and more.  In addition, we can also perform pre-employment and employee drug testing and Department of Transportation compliance testing.

Although an employee’s criminal past doesn’t always mean he or she will continue to break the law, it’s always best to err on the side of caution when it comes to protecting your business.  Call us at DATCS at (318) 678-5568 or visit us online at www.datet.com to get the process of having a criminal background check in Shreveport LA started for each of your employees.