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As the clock strikes midnight, the year 2015 will finally be among us. The thrill of a new year brings excitement for some and a severe lack of sound judgment for others.

According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, in 2011 Texas had the most drunk driving fatalities nationwide. During 2012, drinking-related deaths rose by seven percent to 1,296.
Unfortunately, drunk driving increases during holidays because of parties and other social events.

New Year’s Eve and Day has become the most dangerous time to be on roadways.To combat this problem, MADD is preparing to implement ignition interlocks for those convicted of drinking under the influence. In addition to that, MADD wants to legalize the option of sobriety checkpoints.

Keep you and others safe this holiday by abstaining from drinking and driving completely. Drug and Alcohol Testing Compliance Services wishes you and yours a safe and happy New Year’s.

By Alex Byrd