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Infidelity testing is a DNA test that can help you draw conclusions and answer questions about the faithfulness of your partner. Infidelity DNA testing relies on testing the stains found on a garment or any items and seeks to determine either or both of the following:

You might want the laboratory to determine whether there is just a single DNA profile or more than one DNA profile. The multiple gender profile DNA test for infidelity will not only tell you that there are 2 different DNA profiles present in the stain but also tell you whether the profiles are male or female. One would be surprised with the results of such a test.

The second option is to actually provide a comparison DNA sample for the infidelity test. For example, once the lab confirms the presence of female DNA on you and your husband’s bed linen, you might wish to confirm whether the female profile found in the stain actually belongs to you or another woman.

Of course even results of a paternity test can sometimes spell out marital infidelity. However, a paternity test is not an infidelity test as the aim of an infidelity test and the aim of a paternity test are entirely two different kettles of fish.

Can I use hair for a DNA test?

DNA testing with hair is only viable if the hair root is still attached. In most cases, any naturally shed hair you find lying around the house, perhaps between the bristles of a brush or in a shower, will not have the root attached. If you have found hair, you will first need to examine it really well to make sure it has the follicle attached- if the hair  does not, then it is useless for this type of test. The DNA testing company will also require a minimum number of hairs- usually between 4-6 hairs.

It always makes sense being as sure as possible before making any rash conclusions that may lead to marital break ups.  In one particular case, a client was quick at accusing her husband of marital infidelity with just the results of the multiple gender test. The Results in fact, did show a male and female DNA profile. Immediately, she confronted her husband with the results of the DNA test. In the mean time, to further support her claims against her husband, she sent a DNA sample of her own to compare with the female profile already found in the stain: the results confirmed the her DNA profile matched the female profile found in the stain.

Moral of the story, exhausted all possibilities with DNA infidelity testing before jumping to any conclusions.

To Learn More About DNA infidelity testing go here or Call Us Toll Free (888) 201-0242