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These days, most employers want information on potential employees before they are hired. And a resume with references isn’t enough. Many companies want to run criminal background checks on applicants before they are hired.

Why Run Texas Criminal Background Checks?

There are many reasons employers want to run Texas criminal background checks on job applicants.

1. Safety

All CEO’s and business owners want their places of business to be safe. If a potential hire has a history of violence, the boss has a right to know. It is especially important to run Texas criminal background checks and look for the following offenses:

  • Battery
  • Abuse
  • Weapon violence
  • Stalking
  • Theft

A boss may also want to know if a potential employee has a history of these:

  • Financial indiscretions
  • Identity theft

These are just a few offenses that show up on a background check. And while the potential employee/offender may think sharing this information is unfair, most people agree that hiding these types of offenses is unfair to potential bosses and coworkers.

Because most places of business do not have a security guard or police officer on staff, it makes sense that business owners want to be sure their office is a safe environment for everyone.

2. Sensitive Information

Many companies deal with sensitive information on a daily basis. Banks, government agencies and medical offices are just a few places where clients’ personal and sensitive information is stored. When one of these companies hires new employees, they want to be sure the new hire can be trusted with this information.

If sensitive information like social security numbers, credit card information, medical records is shared, it can quickly get into the wrong hands. Then things like credit card fraud and identity theft become threats.

3. Verify Submitted Information

Another reason employers require background checks is because they want to make sure all the information submitted by applicants adds up. If they have been dishonest on their resume or during an interview, those inconsistencies may show up on a background test report.

If something like a mailing address or list of family members is off, a background check will verify that. A background check can also show any aliases or other names a person has. Birth date and age are also a part of a background check.

There are companies that offer background checks for employers and signing up is usually a fairly simple process. DATCS is one of the best and we specialize in Texas criminal background checks along with a multitude of other tests.

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