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September 17, 2012 — What many are beginning to notice lately is that synthetic drugs are rising in the ranks as far as dependency and medical issues are concerned. The days of cocaine and heroin being the bad guys on the block are changing as technology and the population rises. There are many things that could be accredited to the influx of drug addiction in the last decade, including the economy hardships thousands are facing. But who could have imagined that bath salts and synthetic marijuana would turn up on the list of dangerous psychoactive drugs? Yet it’s true.

Countless emergency care facilities across the nation are facing more and more cases of synthetic drug abuse. A multitude of these cases have yielded violent outbursts, and aggressive and abusive behaviors. Health care professionals and law enforcement have made note of this side effect to be prevalent in encounters. The effects of the chemicals in bath salts induce a surge in adrenaline as well, making some individuals under the influence abnormally strong; thus a serious danger in the community.

Although synthetic drug use has not outshined some of the notoriously hard drugs such as meth or heroin, many medical officials report that there are just as many cases of over intoxicated patients suffering from an addiction to the synthetic drugs.

The effect that this somewhat new addiction trend has had on the community has made a serious impact. Families, neighbors, friends, police, and emergency departments have all been substantially affected by the grip of these synthetic drugs. The irate behavior being a common reaction to the drugs puts the health of the user, their surrounding peers, and law enforcement and health care professionals who try to help them, in danger. Susan Jenkins of Bridges, an agency that provides counseling and advocacy services for addiction, believes that synthetic drug abuse is a major medical issue and needs treatment. She further goes on to urge that people understand that anyone addicted to the drugs needs an intervention, for their own health and safety, and for others’.

The bump in the road when it comes to treating synthetic drug treatment is that since it is relatively new, there is not much information to work off of. There are more than several methods to treat drug dependency: from outpatient and inpatient treatment settings, to group therapy, all the way to therapeutic exercise and art forms. There are many ways to go about healing that can suit many types of individuals. Health care professionals have run into a dead end when it comes to treating synthetic drugs. It is hard to understand the exact effects it has on an individual mainly because the chemical contents vary so greatly with each batch of the drugs.

Furthermore, the age range of synthetic drug abusers is mid-twenties to mid-forties. There has been a surprising lack of teenage abusers, though they are not completely absent. Because of this, it has become difficult for doctors to determine long –term effects of the drugs. More time is currently necessary for light to be shed on long-term abuse. It is believed that bath salts in particular, are likely to bring about dormant psychological issues in users. Because it is a drug that involves ‘total body participation,’ it is likely that unproblematic symptoms of bi-polar disorder or schizophrenia, for example, can be agitated into becoming a problem.

It has yet to be seen if one particular type of therapy can help combat synthetic drug abuse the best. So it is important for the individuals who seek help for synthetic drug addiction, to not give up if one kind of treatment fails to get through.

As for the rate of individuals that seek help with drug addiction against the amount of individuals who do not, prospects are not high. One hospital in Madison County agrees that they receive an astounding amount of patients who suffer from synthetic drug abuse that do not seek help for their addiction. Although all of the patients receive referrals and information on treatment options, out of several dozens of patients, only two actually show up for help. It is imperative that people abusing synthetic drugs have a second thought about wanting to continue the drug use. The dangerous side effects that are posed are enough to raise alarm and should be taken very seriously.


When a person suffers from a severe case of drug or alcohol addiction, the best method of treatment is seeking professional help at an addiction treatment facility. Licensed therapists and counselors are trained to conduct effective treatment for various kinds of addictions, as well as mental health issues and those suffering from psychological distress.

For information in addiction treatment services and programs, you may reach us at:

Center for Addiction Recovery – Addiction Treatment Center: 1-800-570-4562
Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Recovery